Brookside Methodist Church

Through God's Grace we seek to make Brookside Methodist Church a place for everyone to come together and allow Jesus and the Holy Spirit to make a lasting difference in our lives, community and church.

Brookside Leadership

Brookside Church is one of several churches in the Peterborough circuit. This circuit has a staff which includes two ministers, a mission and outreach worker, a pastoral worker and an administrator. The minister with special responsibility for Brookside is Rev. Janet Titterton.

Worship is led by a minister or a lay preacher who is supported by our Worship Leaders, musicians and readers.  Occasionally worship is led by groups within the Brookside fellowship.

Pastoral Care A dedicated team of people provide first line pastoral support to members, working with our Minister and commissioned Pastoral Assistants.

Young People We have several groups for young people, led by committed volunteers. You can see how much is done by looking on our Organisations page or the individual web pages of the groups that meet here. Our Sunday Club meets every Sunday morning; details can be found on the Sunday Services page.

Leadership team

The Church Council meets two or three times a year and it is at these meetings that all important decisions are made. Members of the Church Council (also known as Trustees) are elected annually at the General Church meeting, or are appointed by the Church Council to represent the work undertaken by Brookside Church.

Some people serve on various committees (e.g. Property, Finance, Events, and Family) that oversee the different aspects of church life. Each of these committees report to the Church Council.

Also elected by the General Church meeting are the Church stewards. We currently have a team of three stewards responsible for the our worship.

We are fortunate at Brookside to have a Leadership team with a wide range of experience and skills. Other important people who have a key role within our church are the Treasurer, the Church Council Secretary and the Property Secretary.

Working together as a team we support each other and do our best to serve our Lord, our congregation and the local community.

Brookside is a Registered Charity and you can view its details at the Charity Commission site at (Charity No 1142796)

Click here to view our latest Annual Report to the Charity Commission Brookside Annual Report to Charity Commission 2022/23

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