Brookside Methodist Church

Through God's Grace we seek to make Brookside Methodist Church a place for everyone to come together and allow Jesus and the Holy Spirit to make a lasting difference in our lives, community and church.

Regular Meetings

As a Church in the Community we have many different groups meeting and using the building during the whole week at  times to suit as many people as possible.

Details of our Sunday worship can be found on the Sunday Services page.

If you would like information about any of these activities please click on the link on the left or contact the church office on 01733 328192 or email

Brookside Pre-School*

8.30am - 2.30[m every weekday in term-time

Slimming World

8.30am and 4.0pm Monday, 8.30 Tuesday
Little Brookies*

10.00 - 11.30 Wednesdays in term-time 

Pilates Class

9.30am Monday (Contact organiser)

Friends Art Group

12.30pm Monday (private group)

U3A Painting Group

2pm Monday (except in summer months)

Ladies'' Night

7.30pm - 1st Monday in month

Men's Group

7.00pm 3rd Monday in month

Slimming World

8am Tuesday

Crossways Bible Study

10am 2nd and 4th Tuesday

Communion Service

1.45pm 4th Tuesday in month

Craft and Chat

2pm 1st and 3rd Tuesday
Tuesday Fellowship*

2.30pm Tuesday (please see calendar)

Peterborough Take Note Community Choir

7.25pm Tuesday

Gamblers Anonymous

7.30pm - Tuesday

Exercise Class

9am Wednesday

Well-being Coffee Morning

10am Alternate Wednesdays

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides*

from 4.15pm Wednesdays in term time
Brookside Film Night

7pm 3rd Wednesday in month

Sewing Group (Private Booking)

10am Thursday

New Direction Bible Study on Zoom

10am Thursday
Painting Friends

1pm - Thursday 

Boys' Brigade - Anchor Boys, Junior Section and Company Section*

from 6pmThursday

Community Hub

9.30am Friday

Lend-a-hand day

10am 1st Saturday in month

Please Note: Activities and Groups marked with a * only meet during Term times.


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